Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Marijuana sandwiches... really??

FYI- I took night time cold medicine about 25 minutes ago, so I have roughly 5 minutes before I slip into a coma. Hopefully.

Yes, I'm sick. No, it's not the swine flu.

In one of my previous BEDA blogs, I went on a rant about the news in Utah and how it shouldn't really count as news at all. Well, I'm back in Colorado now, and yesterday I heard this snippet:

"Up next: Should a marijuana sandwich shop be allowed a liquor license?"

Yes, you read that right. Now THAT'S the kind of hard-hitting news I'm looking for. XD
Do you think this is better or worse than a local breeder's opinion on the Obama's dog choice? I think it's better, but not by much.

All of these "reports" were on Fox, so maybe that's my problem. But it's not my fault they talk about the news on commercials during American Idol and Fringe! ;) These days, I'd much rather get my news on the internet. That way I can CHOOSE if I want to hear about Obama's dog eating a marijuana sandwich. Wait... what?

I think that's my signal to go to bed. Sorry this is so short, but yesterday's was long enough for two anyway.

One more day!

PS- In case you were wondering, the shop was denied the liquor license.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you feel better soon. What I'm I going to do if you stop writing your daily blog?
