Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A blog about... nothing, really.

Hey, Seinfeld was a show about nothing, and it's the best show ever made. So this blog... ok, nevermind.

Yesterday I woke up and was laying in bed in my usual morning stupor, when I noticed that all was not right in Whoville. Something in my mouth felt wrong, and it took me a ridiculous amount of time to figure out what that was. 

Finally, I realized that I was missing my top set of braces. Anyone who's had Invisalign knows that they're not exactly hard to take out, but it takes more than just reaching in and yanking them off from the front. I sat up, completely flumoxed, when my sister looks over at me and starts cracking up. Apparently I've never looked so confused in my life. We searched the area around me and found them sitting innocently on the floor between our beds.

How and why I took them out in my sleep, I can't tell you.
Why I thought this would be an interesting story for my blog, I can't tell you either.

You asked for it, Josh.

To... liven this thing up? Have some mysterious ticking noise. Love ensues.

Monday, February 2, 2009

WARNING: Slight overshare ahead.

Me pee is extremely orange, and I swear it freaks me out every time I go to the bathroom. If you've never had a Urinary Tract Infection before (which, if you're a guy, is most likely true), I'd avoid it at all costs. It's extremely painful. Luckily that medication that's responsible for the afformentioned orange urine works wonders.

This is kind of a funny story, because as of the beginning of this year I was kicked off my parents insurance. You can thank my high school illness and my decision to attend massage school in place of my senior year for that. So naturally when I woke up on Friday morning and realized what was happening, I was more than a little freaked out. I've been through pathology, and vaguely remembered that UTI's aren't that big of a deal as long as you get them treated (which my sister confirmed). If you don't, they can spread to a kidney infection and that's way more serious.

But I REALLY don't have the money to pay for a doctor's visit. After much discussion with my parents, my dad called his best friend from high school who's a doctor in St. George. He called in a prescription for antibiotics and I got to completely skip the doctor! Yesss.

The best part? Do you have any idea how much antibiotics cost without prescription insurance? Neither did I, but I figured it would be expensive. Turns out, they were FOUR DOLLARS.


Have I weirded you out? Good, then my work here is done.

With love and insanity,